Sierra Autocars Inc.

Sierra Autocars Inc.

Auto Repair in Monrovia, CA

Auto Repair

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1450 S Shamrock Ave.,
Monrovia , CA 91016 UNITED STATES


Sierra Autocars Inc. 626-359-8291
1450 S Shamrock Ave.,
Monrovia , CA 91016 UNITED STATES
Sierra Autocars Inc. 2.8

Based on 5 reviews

Sierra Autocars Inc. 626-359-8291
1450 S Shamrock Ave.,
Monrovia , CA 91016 UNITED STATES
5 5

Great Place

I bought my car from here and they were lovely to work with. Service is handy because they have a restaurant so they can do repairs over lunch.
posted at 05/04/10
Sierra Autocars Inc. 626-359-8291
1450 S Shamrock Ave.,
Monrovia , CA 91016 UNITED STATES
2 5


well let me start off by saying my experience w/sierra auto cars started when I was about to buy my honda. Well the salesman who helped me was very professional and then when I bought my car but then all crap broke loose. First when I...
posted at 03/17/10
Sierra Autocars Inc. 626-359-8291
1450 S Shamrock Ave.,
Monrovia , CA 91016 UNITED STATES
1 5

Watch Out

All I did was take my Accord to Sierra and the emails started. They were coming every day or two even though I had told them to remove me from their list. Don't give them your email address.
posted at 03/29/11
Sierra Autocars Inc. 626-359-8291
1450 S Shamrock Ave.,
Monrovia , CA 91016 UNITED STATES
1 5

The WORST ever.

Sierra Chevrolet in Monrovia is the worst dealership I have ever encountered. They have never gotten a repair right for me the first time, sometimes even after 2 or 3 attempts. They perform unnecessary repairs, and are very...
posted at 04/27/10
Sierra Autocars Inc. 626-359-8291
1450 S Shamrock Ave.,
Monrovia , CA 91016 UNITED STATES
5 5

Raul S.

Great Chevy shopping experience. Not a huge dealership so the attention to the customer is better than other places my wife and I visited. We ended up buying at Sierra and were treated well and got a great deal without having to haggle...
posted at 03/14/10

Detail information

Company name
Sierra Autocars Inc.
Auto Repair
2.8 (5 reviews)
car repair services,  foreign car repair,  car brake repair radiator repair
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