Shakti Vinyasa Yoga

Shakti Vinyasa Yoga

Yoga & Pilates Classes in Seattle, WA

Yoga & Pilates Classes

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2238 Nw Market St.,
Seattle , WA 98107 UNITED STATES


Shakti Vinyasa Yoga 206-297-9642
2238 Nw Market St.,
Seattle , WA 98107 UNITED STATES
Shakti Vinyasa Yoga 5

Based on 1 reviews

Shakti Vinyasa Yoga 206-297-9642
2238 Nw Market St.,
Seattle , WA 98107 UNITED STATES
5 5

Good, warm, approachable yoga

This is what I call WARM yoga - Bikram/Hot yoga runs around 104 degrees, whereas this is around 88 degrees and really very comfortable. Shakti does a great job of accommodating both the new and the experienced yogi. My recommendation for...
posted at 02/26/10

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Shakti Vinyasa Yoga
Yoga & Pilates Classes
5.0 (1 reviews)
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Shakti Vinyasa Yoga

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