Shackelford Mark

Shackelford Mark

Veterinarians in Tulsa, OK


Contact us


6213 E 15th St.,
Tulsa , OK 74112 UNITED STATES


Shackelford Mark 918-835-2336
6213 E 15th St.,
Tulsa , OK 74112 UNITED STATES
Shackelford Mark 3

Based on 2 reviews

Shackelford Mark 918-835-2336
6213 E 15th St.,
Tulsa , OK 74112 UNITED STATES
1 5

15th Street Vet Group is Not Good!

After running several "recommended tests" this group mis-diagnosed the problem entirely. Several hundred dollars and a week later we went to another vet. The issue was diagnosed with only an exam and...
posted at 03/21/11
Shackelford Mark 918-835-2336
6213 E 15th St.,
Tulsa , OK 74112 UNITED STATES
5 5

Best Vets

I love the vets at 15th st vet-their boarding is very affordable and their vets are very good-Dr Schackleford appears on our local TV station as an expert answering callers questions and has treated my dogs with professional care-Dr Reed...
posted at 06/12/10

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Shackelford Mark
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