Segue Cafe

Segue Cafe

Restaurants in Osseo, MN

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Restaurants Cafes, Coffee, and Coffee Houses

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319 Central Ave.,
Osseo , MN 55369 UNITED STATES


Segue Cafe 763-424-3940
319 Central Ave.,
Osseo , MN 55369 UNITED STATES
Segue Cafe 5

Based on 1 reviews

Segue Cafe 763-424-3940
319 Central Ave.,
Osseo , MN 55369 UNITED STATES
5 5

On Central Avenue Very Good Coffee and Service

I don?t know if they are related to the Segue Caf? at 319 Central Avenue but I have to tell you I just rediscovered this place after a long bout of road construction on Central that forced me to go another direction. The counter help is...
posted at 01/07/10

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Segue Cafe
5.0 (1 reviews)
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