Schools in Greenville/Spartanburg

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James F Byrnes High School

James F Byrnes High School listings:
Education - Middle Schools & High Schools - Public Schools - Schools
PO Box 187
Duncan 29334

Tyger River Correctional High School

Tyger River Correctional High School listings:
Education - Middle Schools & High Schools - Public Schools - Schools
PO Box 325
Enoree 29335

Carver Junior High School

Carver Junior High School listings:
Education - Middle Schools & High Schools - Public Schools - Schools
449 S Church St
Spartanburg 29306

J. G. Mccracken Junior High School

J. G. Mccracken Junior High School listings:
Education - Middle Schools & High Schools - Public Schools - Schools
300 Webber Rd
Spartanburg 29307

T E Mabry Junior High School

T E Mabry Junior High School listings:
Education - Middle Schools & High Schools - Public Schools - Schools
10 W Miller St
Inman 29349

Boiling Springs Junior High School

Boiling Springs Junior High School listings:
Education - Middle Schools & High Schools - Private Schools - Schools
3655 Boiling Springs Rd
Boiling Springs 29316

Gaffney Senior High School

Gaffney Senior High School listings:
Education - Middle Schools & High Schools - Public Schools - Schools
805 E Frederick St
Gaffney 29340

Riverside High School

Riverside High School listings:
Education - Middle Schools & High Schools - Private Schools - Schools
794 Hammett Bridge Rd
Greer 29650

Woodruff Junior High School

Woodruff Junior High School listings:
Education - Middle Schools & High Schools - Private Schools - Schools
149 Twin Lake Rd
Woodruff 29388

Chase High School

Chase High School listings:
Education - Middle Schools & High Schools - Public Schools - Schools
1603 Chase High Rd
Forest City 28043

Union Comprehensive High School

Union Comprehensive High School listings:
Education - Middle Schools & High Schools - Public Schools - Schools
1163 Lakeside Dr
Union 29379

Broome High School

Broome High School listings:
Education - Middle Schools & High Schools - Public Schools - Schools
381 Cherry Hill Rd
Greenville 29607

Rockstar Cheer

Rockstar Cheer listings:
Arts & Entertainment - Ballet - Jazz & Blues - Night Life - Schools
428 S Buncombe Rd
Greer 29650

Crest Senior High School

Crest Senior High School listings:
Education - Middle Schools & High Schools - Public Schools - Schools
800 Old Boiling Springs Rd
Shelby 28152

East Rutherford High School

East Rutherford High School listings:
Education - Middle Schools & High Schools - Private Schools - Schools
331 E High Rd
Bostic 28018

Woodmont High School

Woodmont High School listings:
Education - Middle Schools & High Schools - Private Schools - Schools
2831 W Georgia Rd
Piedmont 29673

North Henderson High School

North Henderson High School listings:
Education - Middle Schools & High Schools - Public Schools - Schools
35 Fruitland Rd
Hendersonville 28792

Landrum Junior High School

Landrum Junior High School listings:
Education - Middle Schools & High Schools - Public Schools - Schools
104 Redland Rd
Landrum 29356

Fairforest Middle School

Fairforest Middle School listings:
Education - Middle Schools & High Schools - Private Schools - Schools
4120 N Blackstock Rd
Spartanburg 29301

Florence Chapel Middle School

Florence Chapel Middle School listings:
Churches - Education - Middle Schools & High Schools - Public Schools - Schools
290 Shoals Rd
Duncan 29334