Russell Harold Auto Center

Russell Harold Auto Center

Auto Repair in Gastonia, NC

Auto Repair Body Shops

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3206 Howe Dairy Rd.,
Gastonia , NC 28056 UNITED STATES


Russell Harold Auto Center 704-864-0781
3206 Howe Dairy Rd.,
Gastonia , NC 28056 UNITED STATES
Russell Harold Auto Center 4

Based on 1 reviews

Russell Harold Auto Center 704-864-0781
3206 Howe Dairy Rd.,
Gastonia , NC 28056 UNITED STATES
4 5

gene l.

rick did a great job repairing and painting my can not tell it was every in a wreck. they did the work really fast and i got my car back in just a few days.
posted at 02/14/10

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Russell Harold Auto Center
Auto Repair
4.0 (1 reviews)
auto collision,  car repair estimates,  car mechanic muffler repair
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