Dr. Paul Rubin - Chiropractic

Dr. Paul Rubin - Chiropractic

Chiropractors in Philadelphia, PA

Chiropractors Children

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42 S 15th St., #1710
Philadelphia , PA 19102 UNITED STATES

About Dr. Paul Rubin - Chiropractic


Dr. Paul Rubin - Chiropractic 215-972-0307
42 S 15th St., #1710
Philadelphia , PA 19102 UNITED STATES
Dr. Paul Rubin - Chiropractic 4

Based on 3 reviews

Dr. Paul Rubin - Chiropractic 215-972-0307
42 S 15th St., #1710
Philadelphia , PA 19102 UNITED STATES
4 5

Dr. Paul Rubin and staff are the best!

My hats off to Dr Paul Rubin and his staff! First of all I was pleasantly surprised to be greeted by a professional and friendly staff during my first visit. I was suffering from lower back pain and tightness that effected most of my...
posted at 06/16/10
Dr. Paul Rubin - Chiropractic 215-972-0307
42 S 15th St., #1710
Philadelphia , PA 19102 UNITED STATES
4 5

A life renewed from his Chiropractic care

As I wake up each day I am always reminded of how grateful it was to meet Dr. Rubin. This is a bold statement I'm sure but consider this: I had pre-existing whiplash injury compiled with a severe snowboarding accident during 2007. The...
posted at 06/16/10
Dr. Paul Rubin - Chiropractic 215-972-0307
42 S 15th St., #1710
Philadelphia , PA 19102 UNITED STATES
4 5

Excellent Care Amidst the Healthcare Storm

Despite the gaps in and changes of insurance the last 4 months,Dr.Paul is and has been my port in the storm.Having Psoriatic rheumatoid arthritis,there were many changes in my health insurance and an infusion therapy covered by one,was...
posted at 02/12/10

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Dr. Paul Rubin - Chiropractic
4.0 (3 reviews)
chiropractic back pain,  back treatment,  back pain chiropractor chiropractic treatment
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