Plumbers and Heating Technicians in Kerrville, TX
Plumbers and Heating Technicians
7 N Sunset Dr.,
Kerrville ,
Based on 2 reviews
Holloway and his son are just good clean plumbers. Reasonable in cost, fun to watch work and their work spot was clean clean! Thanks Ben and Steve
Howard Rood wanted an HONEST Plumber to take care of his customers after retirement. STEVE HOLLOWAY was the only candidate and choice. Steve founded the other company and QUIT from that owner; because of that owner. Business practices changed to be less than acceptable. If you want a real plumber, call Kerrville Plumbing as you choose. You will get the Holloways. Steve Holloway and son Ben Holloway. Kerrville Plumbing is Steve and Ben. Thank you.
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