Rons Cleaners of Shakopee

Rons Cleaners of Shakopee

Local Services in Shakopee, MN

Local Services Dry Cleaning & Laundry

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140 Lewis St S.,
Shakopee , MN 55379 UNITED STATES


Rons Cleaners of Shakopee 952-445-3730
140 Lewis St S.,
Shakopee , MN 55379 UNITED STATES
Rons Cleaners of Shakopee 4

Based on 1 reviews

Rons Cleaners of Shakopee 952-445-3730
140 Lewis St S.,
Shakopee , MN 55379 UNITED STATES
4 5


A small dry cleaner located in the same building as Bill's Toggery. Print an on-line coupon for discount before you pick up your order. Friendly, fast service. Plus, the Bill's Toggery staff will help you check out latest men's...
posted at 04/30/10

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Rons Cleaners of Shakopee
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