Rogers June

Rogers June

Chiropractors in Kansas City, MO


Contact us


8152 Nw Prairie View Rd.,
Kansas City , MO 64151 UNITED STATES


Rogers June 816-741-4040
8152 Nw Prairie View Rd.,
Kansas City , MO 64151 UNITED STATES
Rogers June 5

Based on 2 reviews

Rogers June 816-741-4040
8152 Nw Prairie View Rd.,
Kansas City , MO 64151 UNITED STATES
5 5

Favorite Chiropractor in KC Area

Dr. Rogers is friendly and compassionate. She offers manual manipulation and a high tech gentle adjuster which has taken care of my neck and back pains with one visit. She does not rush me in or out and is convenient in getting an...
posted at 04/21/11
Rogers June 816-741-4040
8152 Nw Prairie View Rd.,
Kansas City , MO 64151 UNITED STATES
5 5


Dr. June is great! I have had severe back pain for almost a year and Dr. June took the time to understand the pain and make it so I had restfull nights. I highly recommend her! Thank you Dr. June for helping me!
posted at 05/07/11

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Company name
Rogers June
5.0 (2 reviews)
chiropractic back pain,  back pain chiropractor,  spine pain spinal pain
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