

Auto Repair in Burbank, CA

Auto Repair Car Audio - Video Systems

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2601 W Olive Ave.,
Burbank , CA 91505 UNITED STATES


Rodz 818-843-0711
2601 W Olive Ave.,
Burbank , CA 91505 UNITED STATES
Rodz 3

Based on 2 reviews

Rodz 818-843-0711
2601 W Olive Ave.,
Burbank , CA 91505 UNITED STATES
1 5

Stevie Wonder is in the house!!!

My work sent over a picture car to get a fender painted and when it came back you would of thought Stevie Wonder was there paint guy, it had more orange peel then Sunkist!!!
posted at 02/23/10
Rodz 818-843-0711
2601 W Olive Ave.,
Burbank , CA 91505 UNITED STATES
5 5

I was happy with Rodz.

I wish they had a 3 1/2 stars. Mike and Jay are great people. Jay hooked up my stereo and though it was pricey, it was a fantastic install and I have no probs with it and it has been 5+ years since that. I am a loud stereo player and I...
posted at 12/22/10

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Auto Repair
3.0 (2 reviews)
auto tune up,  auto collision,  auto mechanic radiator repair
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