Cafes, Coffee, and Coffee Houses in Leavenworth, WA
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Cafes, Coffee, and Coffee Houses • American Restaurants
217 8th St.,
Leavenworth ,
Based on 4 reviews
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Good: The food was good.. Bad: Father's Day 2010, three patrons in cafe when my friend and I arrived. Waitress messes up on two patrons bills. Friend has 10% coupon and debit card. Coupon is not vali...Refused to accept our coupon
We were looking for a place to have lunch when we arrived on our trip, and I found a coupon online. I called ahead to confirm that the coupon would work, and the manager said it would.When we arr...Pretty unsatisfied
Food was bland except for the noodles which were heavily salted and garlicky. \rHORRIBLE EXPERIENCE!
The owner is a terrible, rude, jerk who lies to customers about the price of her food.\rWorldwide > United States > Leavenworth, WA > American Restaurants