Redman's Automotive Repair

Redman's Automotive Repair

Auto Repair in Gilroy, CA

Auto Repair Auto Parts and Accessories Transmissions and Engines

Contact us


20 E. Luchessa Ave.,
Gilroy , CA 95020 UNITED STATES

About Redman's Automotive Repair

Redman's Automotive Repair was established in 1992, and is now located in the old Bob Lynch Ford service building, at:
20 E. Luchessa Avenue, Gilroy, CA 95020

We can offer even better service than before. With the move we now have more dealer-level service capabilities.
Come visit us and experience the difference a family owned and run business can make.

Our services include:

Automotive repair & maintenance, servicing all makes, including motorhomes and medium heavy trucks. Electrical, Brakes, Fabrication, Mufflers, Smog Check, Brake and Lamp, Alignment light or heavy duty, Diagnostics, Reprogramming, and much more.


Redman's Automotive Repair 408-842-0663
20 E. Luchessa Ave.,
Gilroy , CA 95020 UNITED STATES
Redman's Automotive Repair

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Redman's Automotive Repair
Auto Repair
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auto repair,  auto service,  auto electrical auto diagnostics
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Redman's Automotive Repair

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