Racers Automotive

Racers Automotive

Auto Repair in Portland, OR

Auto Repair

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18805 Ne Glisan St.,
Portland , OR 97230 UNITED STATES


Racers Automotive 503-665-3222
18805 Ne Glisan St.,
Portland , OR 97230 UNITED STATES
Racers Automotive 5

Based on 1 reviews

Racers Automotive 503-665-3222
18805 Ne Glisan St.,
Portland , OR 97230 UNITED STATES
5 5

The ONLY mechanic I trust.

I was referred to Robbie a couple years ago after having my car was pretty much ruined by another mechanic. I've taken my car to him for many different things and always walked away happy because I knew I took it to the right place. He...
posted at 08/04/11

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Racers Automotive
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