R Boes Automotive

R Boes Automotive

Auto Repair in Portland, OR

Auto Repair Auto Parts and Accessories

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9205 Se Holgate Blvd.,
Portland , OR 97266 UNITED STATES


R Boes Automotive 503-774-6944
9205 Se Holgate Blvd.,
Portland , OR 97266 UNITED STATES
R Boes Automotive 5

Based on 1 reviews

R Boes Automotive 503-774-6944
9205 Se Holgate Blvd.,
Portland , OR 97266 UNITED STATES
5 5

The BEST repair shop intown!

So first of all i never write reviews. I never do...but Rboes is just fantastic. My family (which includes my husband and i, my father in law, my mother in law, my sister in law and several friends) has been going to them for i think 5...
posted at 06/25/10

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R Boes Automotive
Auto Repair
5.0 (1 reviews)
japanese auto repair,  collision auto repair,  auto diagnostics auto electrical
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