Quik Stop Auto Service Center

Quik Stop Auto Service Center

Auto Repair in Seattle, WA

Auto Repair Gas & Service Stations Auto Inspection Stations (emissions)

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18820 International Blvd.,
Seattle , WA 98188 UNITED STATES


Quik Stop Auto Service Center 206-246-0017
18820 International Blvd.,
Seattle , WA 98188 UNITED STATES
Quik Stop Auto Service Center 3.3333333333333

Based on 3 reviews

Quik Stop Auto Service Center 206-246-0017
18820 International Blvd.,
Seattle , WA 98188 UNITED STATES
4 5

Quick Stop Saved Me- BIG TIME !!

Gotta start by saying bryangoss Feb 17 2011 is totally off base about QUICK STOP. Everyone is 4 and 5 stars and he gives them one? Hmm...

Here is my story. It is long but it is the details that tell how exceptional this place is. ...
posted at 06/06/11
Quik Stop Auto Service Center 206-246-0017
18820 International Blvd.,
Seattle , WA 98188 UNITED STATES
1 5

Quik Stop Auto

Useless mechanic shop full of incompetent employees. Every day for a week I hear some variation of 'should be done today' or 'it'll be done tomorrow' only to find out that they haven't done anything to it. It's overpriced, and they will...
posted at 02/17/11
Quik Stop Auto Service Center 206-246-0017
18820 International Blvd.,
Seattle , WA 98188 UNITED STATES
5 5

Great Experience for an emergency repair

My daughter called me. Her car had overheated on the way to a Conference at the Doubletree. I live in California so I searched for a nearby shop. These guys quickly found the problem, loss of coolant due to a bad hose. They had her...
posted at 10/05/10

Detail information

Company name
Quik Stop Auto Service Center
Auto Repair
3.3 (3 reviews)
car fixing,  japanese auto repair
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