Promenade Car Svce

Promenade Car Svce

Auto Repair in Brooklyn, NY

Auto Repair Limousine & Town Car Taxis and Car Services

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102 Front St.,
Brooklyn , NY 11201 UNITED STATES


Promenade Car Svce 718-858-6666
102 Front St.,
Brooklyn , NY 11201 UNITED STATES
Promenade Car Svce 2.5

Based on 6 reviews

Promenade Car Svce 718-858-6666
102 Front St.,
Brooklyn , NY 11201 UNITED STATES
1 5

Owner is RUDE!

I've used Promenade twice for corporate use and both times they quoted me incorrect costs for the service and when I called to clarify I was told to "get out of the car and walk to the atm, it's not our fault," while I was driving over...
posted at 10/04/10
Promenade Car Svce 718-858-6666
102 Front St.,
Brooklyn , NY 11201 UNITED STATES
4 5


This is Eddy an ex- driver from Promenade Car Service.I worked with those two Guys for year 2009 and 2010.I asked the owner for a tax report statement; He suggested that he can only write on the report those credit card & account...
posted at 01/17/11
Promenade Car Svce 718-858-6666
102 Front St.,
Brooklyn , NY 11201 UNITED STATES
4 5

Gay bashed by driver

Never ever use this car service. I have worked in DUMBO for 2 years and my best friend has lived there for years. I often use this car service, but never again. A friend of mine and I were leaving her apartment after a dinner party...
posted at 01/16/11
Promenade Car Svce 718-858-6666
102 Front St.,
Brooklyn , NY 11201 UNITED STATES
4 5

Horrifying Experience

Used this car service late last night and I had to sit up front as I knew the way and my friends had filled all of the seats in the back. Fine. Nice car, quick service, a little pricey, but we didn't care.
Within about 2 minutes driver...
posted at 02/06/10
Promenade Car Svce 718-858-6666
102 Front St.,
Brooklyn , NY 11201 UNITED STATES
1 5

very slow

they told me it would take 10 minutes for a car to come to my place (in Bklyn Heights). was more like 20-25... and when we got in the driver ignored our directions to get to williamsburg and took a ridiculously long route, making the fare...
posted at 12/06/10
Promenade Car Svce 718-858-6666
102 Front St.,
Brooklyn , NY 11201 UNITED STATES
1 5


The back seats had spilled beer on them, which had obviously not been cleaned. The driver kept leaning back to face me--while driving!--and asking me personal questions like, Why are you out so late at night? Where's your boyfriend? etc....
posted at 12/06/10

Detail information

Company name
Promenade Car Svce
Auto Repair
2.5 (6 reviews)
car repair services,  fix car paint,  auto diagnostics radiator repair
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