Premier Pediatrics PC

Premier Pediatrics PC

Doctors in New York, NY


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51 E 25th St.,
New York , NY 10010 UNITED STATES


Premier Pediatrics PC 212-598-0331
51 E 25th St.,
New York , NY 10010 UNITED STATES
Premier Pediatrics PC 4

Based on 1 reviews

Premier Pediatrics PC 212-598-0331
51 E 25th St.,
New York , NY 10010 UNITED STATES
4 5

Trust me, don't go there

My daughter had been there for 2 years. Doctors could do a better work than just trying to get as many clients as possible...For instance, we had to pressure them to be more vigilant about emergencies. My daughter once had Croup and had...
posted at 12/02/10

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Premier Pediatrics PC
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