Plank's Garage

Plank's Garage

Auto Repair in Brookfield, WI

Auto Repair

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2900 N Brookfield Rd.,
Brookfield , WI 53045 UNITED STATES


Plank's Garage 262-786-7640
2900 N Brookfield Rd.,
Brookfield , WI 53045 UNITED STATES
Plank's Garage 5

Based on 1 reviews

Plank's Garage 262-786-7640
2900 N Brookfield Rd.,
Brookfield , WI 53045 UNITED STATES
5 5

Integrity and Great Work

They have always been fair with assessing problems and pricing. We took our car to the dealer for an estimate on something and then to Plank's and saved $1500 PLUS the problem was fixed! They have a lot of integrity - which can be hard...
posted at 05/06/10

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Plank's Garage
Auto Repair
5.0 (1 reviews)
car painting,  car mechanic
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