Pjs Coffee & Lounge

Pjs Coffee & Lounge

Night Life in Atlanta, GA

Night Life Lounges

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231 18th St Nw.,
Atlanta , GA 30363 UNITED STATES


Pjs Coffee & Lounge 404-745-4215
231 18th St Nw.,
Atlanta , GA 30363 UNITED STATES
Pjs Coffee & Lounge 1

Based on 2 reviews

Pjs Coffee & Lounge 404-745-4215
231 18th St Nw.,
Atlanta , GA 30363 UNITED STATES
1 5

sorry sandwich and service.

Headed over to Atlantic Station last night to catch a flick, and the lady friend was in the mood for a pre-show sandwich. Skipped right past Doc Greens and went to Cafe Nineteen. We sat down, but after 5 minutes of being ignored we...
posted at 03/10/10
Pjs Coffee & Lounge 404-745-4215
231 18th St Nw.,
Atlanta , GA 30363 UNITED STATES
1 5


My sister who's in town visiting, and I ducked into the cafe to cool down with a smoothie and to get off our feet from a day?s worth of shopping. After we sat down and ordered two smoothies for $4.00 each we soon realized that we had...
posted at 08/18/10

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Pjs Coffee & Lounge
Night Life
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