Pick of the Litter

Pick of the Litter

Pets in Smithtown, NY

Pets Pet Stores Pet Care and Grooming

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105 E Main St.,
Smithtown , NY 11787 UNITED STATES


Pick of the Litter 631-360-7884
105 E Main St.,
Smithtown , NY 11787 UNITED STATES
Pick of the Litter 3.5

Based on 2 reviews

Pick of the Litter 631-360-7884
105 E Main St.,
Smithtown , NY 11787 UNITED STATES
2 5

I've been here numerous times....

I live in town and as myself an animal lover. Yet everytime i go here it seems if im not looking to buy a puppy that very second then they kinda have a mean look thrown at me that makes me uncomfortable...
posted at 06/25/10
Pick of the Litter 631-360-7884
105 E Main St.,
Smithtown , NY 11787 UNITED STATES
5 5

Great groomers

This is the only place I can bring my dog (a yorkie) for grooming. Other places we tried before couldnt handle him. He's not a difficult dog, just like most doesnt like his nails clipped. They always do a great job here, never have...
posted at 07/17/10

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Pick of the Litter
3.5 (2 reviews)
adoption pets,  city pets,  pets supply pets supplies
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