Pete's Autohaus

Pete's Autohaus

Auto Repair in Torrance, CA

Auto Repair

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1725 Border Ave.,
Torrance , CA 90501 UNITED STATES


Pete's Autohaus 310-320-3033
1725 Border Ave.,
Torrance , CA 90501 UNITED STATES
Pete's Autohaus 5

Based on 1 reviews

Pete's Autohaus 310-320-3033
1725 Border Ave.,
Torrance , CA 90501 UNITED STATES
5 5

Great Customer Service and Honest

I took my 2004 Mini Cooper to Pete about two months ago. Pete and staff were incredibly nice. Being new to Los Angeles, I was a little skeptical and cautious as I had ?bad repair experiences? while living in San Francisco. Pete?s team...
posted at 11/13/10

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Pete's Autohaus
Auto Repair
5.0 (1 reviews)
fix car dent,  car fixing,  german auto repair collision auto repair
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