Peter Lik Gallery

Peter Lik Gallery

Arts & Entertainment in Honolulu, HI

Arts & Entertainment Art Galleries & Dealers Art Galleries

Contact us


226 Lewers St., 118
Honolulu , HI 96815 UNITED STATES


Peter Lik Gallery 808-926-5656
226 Lewers St., 118
Honolulu , HI 96815 UNITED STATES
Peter Lik Gallery 3.6666666666667

Based on 3 reviews

Peter Lik Gallery 808-926-5656
226 Lewers St., 118
Honolulu , HI 96815 UNITED STATES
5 5

Its an art gallery not a diner

If you think it's ok to walk into a Fine art gallery while chomping down a wide open plate lunch spilling food , while people are spending thousands of dollars on fine art your wrong. Where has common courtesy gone today?
posted at 09/11/10
Peter Lik Gallery 808-926-5656
226 Lewers St., 118
Honolulu , HI 96815 UNITED STATES
5 5

Don't Miss If You're In Town

Peter Lik's gallery is a hidden gem! No, you cannot eat or drink in the gallery and you can't take photo's either. That is standard operating procedures for major art galleries. The staff was very knowledgeable about the different...
posted at 09/10/10
Peter Lik Gallery 808-926-5656
226 Lewers St., 118
Honolulu , HI 96815 UNITED STATES
1 5

total disappointment

Went in and started looking around. A tall bald guy started to approch. I had food in my hand and he came up to me and said "what the fukc are you doing eating in here". Those were his exact words. I was a few doors down to the left at...
posted at 09/09/10

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Company name
Peter Lik Gallery
Arts & Entertainment
3.7 (3 reviews)
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Peter Lik Gallery

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