Peniel Obgyn

Peniel Obgyn

Doctors in Ellenwood, GA


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5192 River Rd.,
Ellenwood , GA 30294 UNITED STATES


Peniel Obgyn 770-981-4666
5192 River Rd.,
Ellenwood , GA 30294 UNITED STATES
Peniel Obgyn 1

Based on 1 reviews

Peniel Obgyn 770-981-4666
5192 River Rd.,
Ellenwood , GA 30294 UNITED STATES
1 5

Horrible experience!

Terrible results from Lipo. Very uneven. Also procedure under local was extremely painful.
Waited to see if there would be an improvement over time, there was not. By the time I returned to the office (just over a year later) I was told...
posted at 01/11/11

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Peniel Obgyn
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