Pauls Auto Body Shop

Pauls Auto Body Shop

Auto Repair in Millersville, MD

Auto Repair Body Shops

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8236 Veterans Hwy.,
Millersville , MD 21108 UNITED STATES


Pauls Auto Body Shop 410-987-5737
8236 Veterans Hwy.,
Millersville , MD 21108 UNITED STATES
Pauls Auto Body Shop 4.6666666666667

Based on 3 reviews

Pauls Auto Body Shop 410-987-5737
8236 Veterans Hwy.,
Millersville , MD 21108 UNITED STATES
5 5

Not Pushy and Cares - Goes the extra mile.

I was looking for a good fix for some serious scratches caused by snow removal. I did not want nor could not afford to have the entire car re-painted. Paul came up with an alternative that is very satisfactory for my wallet and for the...
posted at 06/09/10
Pauls Auto Body Shop 410-987-5737
8236 Veterans Hwy.,
Millersville , MD 21108 UNITED STATES
4 5

Good auto repair

We took our 2000 Sunfire to Paul's for a front bumper repair. We received a reasonable estimate that was explained to us in detail. The owner took time to tell us about the what parts we needed, what the prices were including the range depending on where he could get the parts from. He seemed very knowledgeable. The car was done within the time promised and the final cost was within reason of our estimate. They were flexible with our drop off and pickup of the car as well. Would definitely use them again.
posted at 01/05/09
Pauls Auto Body Shop 410-987-5737
8236 Veterans Hwy.,
Millersville , MD 21108 UNITED STATES
5 5

Not Pushy and Cares - Goes the extra mile.

I was looking for a good fix for some serious scratches caused by snow removal. I did not want nor could not afford to have the entire car re-painted. Paul came up with an alternative that is very satisfactory for my wallet and for the appearance of the car.

In addution, he and his wife went the extra mile to shuttle me back and forth the 1/2 mile to my business a couple of times to deal with my schedule. That is service that is hard to find anymore. I own a business right up the street with over 400 regular cusotmers. I will certainly reccommend Paul's Auto Body in Millersville, MD to my customers and anyone else I come in contact with.
posted at 06/09/10

Detail information

Company name
Pauls Auto Body Shop
Auto Repair
4.7 (3 reviews)
auto mechanic,  auto painting,  fix car dent japanese auto repair
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