Paulina's Catering

Paulina's Catering

Caterers in Los Angeles, CA


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1000 E 18th St.,
Los Angeles , CA 90021 UNITED STATES


Paulina's Catering 213-765-0054
1000 E 18th St.,
Los Angeles , CA 90021 UNITED STATES
Paulina's Catering 5

Based on 1 reviews

Paulina's Catering 213-765-0054
1000 E 18th St.,
Los Angeles , CA 90021 UNITED STATES
5 5

excellent quality food

Not every caterer is amenable to doing family catering for a private home (much to my surprise) but Paulina's Catering did. They fit the bill nicely after we tried two other caterers with mixed results. I had Paulina's do our meals...
posted at 07/26/10

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Paulina's Catering
5.0 (1 reviews)
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