Pastafina of Cleburne

Pastafina of Cleburne

Restaurants in Cleburne, TX

Restaurants Caterers

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1670 W Henderson St.,
Cleburne , TX 76033 UNITED STATES


Pastafina of Cleburne 817-558-2220
1670 W Henderson St.,
Cleburne , TX 76033 UNITED STATES
Pastafina of Cleburne 4

Based on 1 reviews

Pastafina of Cleburne 817-558-2220
1670 W Henderson St.,
Cleburne , TX 76033 UNITED STATES
4 5

good food but high prices

It is a beautiful place. The food is pretty good. The prices are pretty high though. A great place to go and split a meal with a friend, or to celebrate a special occasion.
posted at 01/15/10

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Pastafina of Cleburne
4.0 (1 reviews)
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Pastafina of Cleburne

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