Palm Cleaners

Palm Cleaners

Local Services in Burbank, CA

Local Services Dry Cleaning & Laundry

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2212 W Burbank Blvd.,
Burbank , CA 91506 UNITED STATES


Palm Cleaners 818-842-9087
2212 W Burbank Blvd.,
Burbank , CA 91506 UNITED STATES
Palm Cleaners 5

Based on 1 reviews

Palm Cleaners 818-842-9087
2212 W Burbank Blvd.,
Burbank , CA 91506 UNITED STATES
5 5

Good service and communication.Won't be disappointed. A+

Cleaners have done a good job with my dry cleaning. Their in-store service is superb and they return my cleaning in a timely manner. I have found their prices to be reasonable and have never had a problem with any of my items. They were...
posted at 03/17/11

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Palm Cleaners
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5.0 (1 reviews)
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