Pacific Motor Inc

Pacific Motor Inc

Auto Repair in Tacoma, WA

Auto Repair Body Shops

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1408 Martin Luther King Jr Way.,
Tacoma , WA 98405 UNITED STATES


Pacific Motor Inc 253-572-7214
1408 Martin Luther King Jr Way.,
Tacoma , WA 98405 UNITED STATES
Pacific Motor Inc 5

Based on 4 reviews

Pacific Motor Inc 253-572-7214
1408 Martin Luther King Jr Way.,
Tacoma , WA 98405 UNITED STATES
5 5

I love this place!

I had such a positive experience with Pacific Motors! I highly, highly recommend them to anyone. This is the first time (at a "car place") that I have felt so welcomed as I walked in the door -- and s...
posted at 09/08/10
Pacific Motor Inc 253-572-7214
1408 Martin Luther King Jr Way.,
Tacoma , WA 98405 UNITED STATES
5 5

Made my day! by Linda K.

A wonderful way to start my day! Two staff vehicles were "tagged" with spray paint, one went to your shop , I went to another place. Mine was going to cost a lot of $$$$$, plus four days wait. You w...
posted at 03/03/10
Pacific Motor Inc 253-572-7214
1408 Martin Luther King Jr Way.,
Tacoma , WA 98405 UNITED STATES
5 5

Proffesionalism and quality work

I had my 2009 Honda Fit repaired at Pacific Motors in Tacoma WA. I was impressed with the professionalism and work that was done. I would recomend this company to anyone who needed body work and loves their car.
posted at 06/15/10
Pacific Motor Inc 253-572-7214
1408 Martin Luther King Jr Way.,
Tacoma , WA 98405 UNITED STATES
5 5

Proffesionalism and quality work

I had my 2009 Honda Fit repaired at Pacific Motors in Tacoma WA. I was impressed with the professionalism and work that was done. I would recomend this company to anyone who needed body work and loves their car.
posted at 06/14/10

Detail information

Company name
Pacific Motor Inc
Auto Repair
5.0 (4 reviews)
foreign car repair,  german auto repair,  auto mechanic collision auto repair
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Pacific Motor Inc

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