One Step At A Time Childcare Inc

One Step At A Time Childcare Inc

Schools in Edmond, OK


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1724 Renaissance Blvd,
Edmond , OK 73013 UNITED STATES


One Step At A Time Childcare Inc 405-330-3077
1724 Renaissance Blvd,
Edmond , OK 73013 UNITED STATES
One Step At A Time Childcare Inc 1

Based on 1 reviews

One Step At A Time Childcare Inc 405-330-3077
1724 Renaissance Blvd,
Edmond , OK 73013 UNITED STATES
1 5

Avoid at all costs

The lady that gave the tour to us made the place sound wonderful but it is far from it. Our child had a dirty diaper over one week straight when we picked him up. Also, the class was shown a movie everyday when we were told there is...
posted at 08/27/11

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One Step At A Time Childcare Inc
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One Step At A Time Childcare Inc

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