Omrani Babak Dr

Omrani Babak Dr

Doctors in Beverly Hills, CA

Doctors Chiropractors Alternative and Non-traditional Medicine

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206 S Robertson Blvd.,
Beverly Hills , CA 90211 UNITED STATES


Omrani Babak Dr 310-657-8759
206 S Robertson Blvd.,
Beverly Hills , CA 90211 UNITED STATES
Omrani Babak Dr 5

Based on 1 reviews

Omrani Babak Dr 310-657-8759
206 S Robertson Blvd.,
Beverly Hills , CA 90211 UNITED STATES
5 5

He is Great, our Team Doctor

He is our team doctor, he is so caring, nice and knowledgeable, he goes out of his way to help, go to him we highly recommend him
posted at 01/03/10

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Omrani Babak Dr
5.0 (1 reviews)
lumbar spine pain,  back treatment,  chiropractic adjustment cervical spine pain
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Omrani Babak Dr

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