Now Medical Centers

Now Medical Centers

Hospitals and Medical Centers in Minneapolis, MN

Hospitals and Medical Centers Doctors Ambulance Services

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2600 39th Ave N.,
Minneapolis , MN 55412 UNITED STATES


Now Medical Centers 612-706-2980
2600 39th Ave N.,
Minneapolis , MN 55412 UNITED STATES
Now Medical Centers 1

Based on 1 reviews

Now Medical Centers 612-706-2980
2600 39th Ave N.,
Minneapolis , MN 55412 UNITED STATES
1 5

I couldn't NOT recommend more strongly

I saw someone from this clinic for what I thought was a sinus infection, and was treated for a rare strep infection. One week later I was in the Emergency Room describing my symptoms - which had not gotten better at all, but had in fact...
posted at 06/11/10

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Now Medical Centers
Hospitals and Medical Centers
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