Northwest Baptist Church

Northwest Baptist Church

Local Services in Austin, TX

Local Services Child Care and Day Care Centers Churches

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6301 Woodrow Ave.,
Austin , TX 78757 UNITED STATES


Northwest Baptist Church 512-454-6815
6301 Woodrow Ave.,
Austin , TX 78757 UNITED STATES
Northwest Baptist Church 1

Based on 1 reviews

Northwest Baptist Church 512-454-6815
6301 Woodrow Ave.,
Austin , TX 78757 UNITED STATES
1 5

What an unchristian organization!

I'd be really interested to know where that "love thy neighbor as thyself" proverb applies to THIS so-called church! It seems to be populated purely by spiteful, decidedly UN-christian people who spend all their time infighting and...
posted at 07/01/10

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Northwest Baptist Church
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Northwest Baptist Church

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