Northridge Church

Northridge Church

Religious Organizations in Plymouth Township, MI

Religious Organizations Churches

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49555 N Territorial Rd.,
Plymouth Township , MI 48170 UNITED STATES


Northridge Church 734-414-7777
49555 N Territorial Rd.,
Plymouth Township , MI 48170 UNITED STATES
Northridge Church 3

Based on 10 reviews

Northridge Church 734-414-7777
49555 N Territorial Rd.,
Plymouth Township , MI 48170 UNITED STATES
5 5

Great Church !

Northridge Church is really a Great Church. The Pastor talks are very revelant. He has series that he elaborates on a topic for 4-6 weeks, and not just one Sunday. I like coffee shop, because I can have my coffee and listen to Gods...
posted at 09/02/10
Northridge Church 734-414-7777
49555 N Territorial Rd.,
Plymouth Township , MI 48170 UNITED STATES
5 5

The Message

At Northridge my experience has been that the message is relevant, honest, and biblically based. The activities offered to my children keep them wanting to return, and that's a miracle! I was told once that 'it's about the message', and...
posted at 06/07/10
Northridge Church 734-414-7777
49555 N Territorial Rd.,
Plymouth Township , MI 48170 UNITED STATES
1 5

A warning about NorthRidge Church

I used to go to NorthRidge when it was known as Temple Baptist. Back in the 1980's, it was still a fairly strong church. The preaching from the Bible was still solid and my family felt like we were really being challenged. The Sunday...
posted at 04/12/11
Northridge Church 734-414-7777
49555 N Territorial Rd.,
Plymouth Township , MI 48170 UNITED STATES
1 5

Church or Entertainment

I am very glad that there is a place like Northridge for people who are down on their luck, or feeling blue and alone, to go to for a "feel good" service or show, whatever you want to call it. It is better to go there instead of turning...
posted at 10/15/10
Northridge Church 734-414-7777
49555 N Territorial Rd.,
Plymouth Township , MI 48170 UNITED STATES
5 5


Wow, if you feel out of place at Northridge, I'm sorry! I've experienced nothing but love and openness there (and no I don't have any money either). I've been going for years. It has opened my eyes to having a living/personal...
posted at 06/07/10
Northridge Church 734-414-7777
49555 N Territorial Rd.,
Plymouth Township , MI 48170 UNITED STATES
1 5

Church or Entertainment

I am very glad that there is a place like Northridge for people who are down on their luck, or feeling blue and alone, to go to for a "feel good" service or show, whatever you want to call it. It is better to go there instead of turning...
posted at 10/14/10
Northridge Church 734-414-7777
49555 N Territorial Rd.,
Plymouth Township , MI 48170 UNITED STATES
5 5

Great Church!

Great Church Overall! I've tried all kind of churches but this one is Bible based and has alot of energy and ways to get involved. The downside is some of the small groups are not monitored was difficult for me to find one, but...
posted at 11/06/10
Northridge Church 734-414-7777
49555 N Territorial Rd.,
Plymouth Township , MI 48170 UNITED STATES
5 5

Clay's Mom

Thank you for sharing your culinary talent with the residents at the Ronald McDonald House in Detroit. Dinner was delicious and well appreciated. I particularly enjoyed the fellowship. My son is in the Children's Hospital of Detroit...
posted at 07/25/10
Northridge Church 734-414-7777
49555 N Territorial Rd.,
Plymouth Township , MI 48170 UNITED STATES
1 5

I'll stick to my Catholicism. Thanks.

From the lectures, I've heard, it has been told by members that only Jesus is capable of loving unconditionally. With that in mind how as human beings do we strive to do better any facet of our lives? Lets just throw our hands up in the...
posted at 06/01/10
Northridge Church 734-414-7777
49555 N Territorial Rd.,
Plymouth Township , MI 48170 UNITED STATES
1 5


I agree with the first reviewer. In addition if you have enough money you are included in the exclusive club. If not, you better be happy with just quietly attending services because they will have no need for you.
posted at 05/09/10

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Northridge Church
Religious Organizations
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