Northeast Catholic High School

Northeast Catholic High School

Education in Philadelphia, PA

Education Schools Public Schools

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1842 Torresdale Ave.,
Philadelphia , PA 19124 UNITED STATES


Northeast Catholic High School 215-831-1234
1842 Torresdale Ave.,
Philadelphia , PA 19124 UNITED STATES
Northeast Catholic High School 5

Based on 1 reviews

Northeast Catholic High School 215-831-1234
1842 Torresdale Ave.,
Philadelphia , PA 19124 UNITED STATES
5 5

Amazing Place

It was an amazing school. The person who reviewed it first is obviously not cultured and does not have any idea what a good school is. The teachers were one of a kind, the students were overall good kids, and the Legacy of North will live...
posted at 12/19/10

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Northeast Catholic High School

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