Noah's Bark Doggie Daycare LLC

Noah's Bark Doggie Daycare LLC

Local Services in Columbus, OH

Local Services Dog Breeders

Contact us


2474 Kenny Rd.,
Columbus , OH 43221 UNITED STATES


Noah's Bark Doggie Daycare LLC 614-487-8002
2474 Kenny Rd.,
Columbus , OH 43221 UNITED STATES
Noah's Bark Doggie Daycare LLC 1

Based on 1 reviews

Noah's Bark Doggie Daycare LLC 614-487-8002
2474 Kenny Rd.,
Columbus , OH 43221 UNITED STATES
1 5

Think Twice, Noah's Day(Care) or lack of Care & Attention of

On June 15th, 2010 our pet Mickey a Boston Terrier(family member) was under the care of Noah's Bark Doggie Daycare and was attacked by another dog. As a result he suffered severe trauma to the right eye and is now permanently blind. He...
posted at 08/26/10

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Noah's Bark Doggie Daycare LLC
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Noah's Bark Doggie Daycare LLC

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