Nick's Auto Repair

Nick's Auto Repair

Auto Repair in Clearwater, FL

Auto Repair Tires Auto Parts and Accessories

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1371 S Missouri Ave.,
Clearwater , FL 33756 UNITED STATES


Nick's Auto Repair 727-443-6392
1371 S Missouri Ave.,
Clearwater , FL 33756 UNITED STATES
Nick's Auto Repair 4.6666666666667

Based on 9 reviews

Nick's Auto Repair 727-443-6392
1371 S Missouri Ave.,
Clearwater , FL 33756 UNITED STATES
4 5


The customer service was fast, friendly and professional. My car was done earlier than expected, which saved me money on a rental. The price I got was far less than 2 body shops I had received quotes from prior. When my car was returned,...
posted at 12/09/10
Nick's Auto Repair 727-443-6392
1371 S Missouri Ave.,
Clearwater , FL 33756 UNITED STATES
4 5


I want to thank you for the excellent job done on my BMW. The honesty and dedication they showed is above and beyond what I saw at the dealerships and I shall recommen them to everyone I know.
posted at 12/09/10
Nick's Auto Repair 727-443-6392
1371 S Missouri Ave.,
Clearwater , FL 33756 UNITED STATES
4 5


I was very impressed with the quality work that was done to my five month old Town & Country minivan back bumper?. 24 hours later it looks incredible.
posted at 12/09/10
Nick's Auto Repair 727-443-6392
1371 S Missouri Ave.,
Clearwater , FL 33756 UNITED STATES
5 5


This was my first accident and I must say, it has been an extremely smooth process. My car was returned to
me in a week, with a flawless appearance.
posted at 12/09/10
Nick's Auto Repair 727-443-6392
1371 S Missouri Ave.,
Clearwater , FL 33756 UNITED STATES
5 5

Great job

We choose Nicks Auto Repair because of the well-known good quality of work for a fair price. When they received the car they were very professional and very friendly. They totally took care of us and handled contacting the
insurance and...
posted at 12/09/10
Nick's Auto Repair 727-443-6392
1371 S Missouri Ave.,
Clearwater , FL 33756 UNITED STATES
5 5

Discounts and Specials

Thank you again for the expert service on my Infinity Q-45. Although people don?t look forward to bodywork on a car, if I need it again please be assured I will be at your door with my keys in hand.
posted at 12/09/10
Nick's Auto Repair 727-443-6392
1371 S Missouri Ave.,
Clearwater , FL 33756 UNITED STATES
5 5


Looks like a million! The staff did a nice job with body work and color (no overspray found). They also presented me with a very clean car when done. Price was reasonable. Fast turnover too! Would choose them again for future painting...
posted at 12/09/10
Nick's Auto Repair 727-443-6392
1371 S Missouri Ave.,
Clearwater , FL 33756 UNITED STATES
5 5

Discounts and Specials

All of the damage to the vehicle was repaired and the results did not show one hint of repair or damage. They blended the repairs/paint with the rest of the car beautifully. I had a big smile driving home that day.
posted at 12/09/10
Nick's Auto Repair 727-443-6392
1371 S Missouri Ave.,
Clearwater , FL 33756 UNITED STATES
5 5

Nicks Auto Repair

I recently went to the Nicks Auto Repair with a rear-ended car. I just wanted to let you know that they took excellent care of me. It was refreshing to have such great customer service. He really listened to me and helped me out. He knew...
posted at 12/09/10

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Nick's Auto Repair
Auto Repair
4.7 (9 reviews)
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