Neal's Deli

Neal's Deli

Restaurants in Carrboro, NC


Contact us


100 E Main St.,
Carrboro , NC 27510 UNITED STATES


Neal's Deli 919-967-2185
100 E Main St.,
Carrboro , NC 27510 UNITED STATES
Neal's Deli 4.5

Based on 2 reviews

Neal's Deli 919-967-2185
100 E Main St.,
Carrboro , NC 27510 UNITED STATES
4 5

This place rocks

The food here is dead on with flavor and price. Making things the right way is not easy and sometimes not recognized unless you are in a big fancy place but this place should get props. Try everything!
posted at 01/20/10
Neal's Deli 919-967-2185
100 E Main St.,
Carrboro , NC 27510 UNITED STATES
5 5

This place rocks

The food here is dead on with flavor and price. Making things the right way is not easy and sometimes not recognized unless you are in a big fancy place but this place should get props. Try everything!
posted at 01/21/10

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Neal's Deli
4.5 (2 reviews)
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Neal's Deli

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