Nalley Honda

Nalley Honda

Auto Repair in Union City, GA

Auto Repair

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4197 Jonesboroo Rd.,
Union City , GA 30291 UNITED STATES


Nalley Honda 770-306-4600
4197 Jonesboroo Rd.,
Union City , GA 30291 UNITED STATES
Nalley Honda 4

Based on 3 reviews

Nalley Honda 770-306-4600
4197 Jonesboroo Rd.,
Union City , GA 30291 UNITED STATES
4 5

Genuine Samuel

Honest, excellent and friendly service. And furthermore, salesman Samuel Anokam is not a stereotypical car salesman. that we all know and loathe at every other car dealership He is genuine and human, and he'll go out of the way to make...
posted at 03/19/11
Nalley Honda 770-306-4600
4197 Jonesboroo Rd.,
Union City , GA 30291 UNITED STATES
4 5

Run While You Can

Run dont walk from this dealership. Completely unprosessional from start to finish. Had it been worth my time I would have sued. Bought a car that the never delivered. They never even owned the title. Then tried to get me to take an...
posted at 06/05/11
Nalley Honda 770-306-4600
4197 Jonesboroo Rd.,
Union City , GA 30291 UNITED STATES
4 5

nalley just needs to be little better

was told under warranty and wasn't even covered after I dropped off the car and then have to go pick it up after I just dropped it off.
posted at 06/01/10

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Nalley Honda
Auto Repair
4.0 (3 reviews)
car mechanic,  auto service,  car painting car fixing
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