Nalley Body Shop

Nalley Body Shop

Automotive in Roswell, GA

Automotive Auto Dealers

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11446 Alpharetta Hwy.,
Roswell , GA 30076 UNITED STATES


Nalley Body Shop 770-643-3102
11446 Alpharetta Hwy.,
Roswell , GA 30076 UNITED STATES
Nalley Body Shop 3

Based on 5 reviews

Nalley Body Shop 770-643-3102
11446 Alpharetta Hwy.,
Roswell , GA 30076 UNITED STATES
5 5

My car looked great!

I have had my car repaired twice this year at Nalley Collision in Roswell, Everyone at the shop was great and help with all the questions I had. They handle the insurance claim and the rental car I needed, they made the whole situation a...
posted at 08/16/11
Nalley Body Shop 770-643-3102
11446 Alpharetta Hwy.,
Roswell , GA 30076 UNITED STATES
4 5

The paint match on my Honda looks perfect

They do really nice work. My car was hit when metro ATL was hit with icy roads the week before Christmas. The other driver's insurance used Nalley Collision as one of their preferred repair shops. Although I have a Honda and Honda...
posted at 01/14/11
Nalley Body Shop 770-643-3102
11446 Alpharetta Hwy.,
Roswell , GA 30076 UNITED STATES
1 5

Terrible! Wish I had gone someplace else!

The customer service was terrible, from the receptionist to the technician. The car was late and the repairs were incomplete, I had to take it back a second time, plus I had to take it to the dealership for a diagnostic to prove that it...
posted at 06/03/10
Nalley Body Shop 770-643-3102
11446 Alpharetta Hwy.,
Roswell , GA 30076 UNITED STATES
4 5

The paint match on my Honda looks perfect

They do really nice work. My car was hit when metro ATL was hit with icy roads the week before Christmas. The other driver's insurance used Nalley Collision as one of their preferred repair shops. Although I have a Honda and Honda...
posted at 01/15/11
Nalley Body Shop 770-643-3102
11446 Alpharetta Hwy.,
Roswell , GA 30076 UNITED STATES
1 5


I caught the technician in a lie on the invoice. Nalley said they had replaced the rebarb on the car and were trying to collect additional money from the insurance company when they did not do the work.

i ended up getting $400 taken off...
posted at 06/29/10

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Nalley Body Shop
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