Nacol Michael

Nacol Michael

Doctors in Georgetown, TX


Contact us


1229 Leander Rd.,
Georgetown , TX 78628 UNITED STATES


Nacol Michael 512-863-7440
1229 Leander Rd.,
Georgetown , TX 78628 UNITED STATES
Nacol Michael 1

Based on 1 reviews

Nacol Michael 512-863-7440
1229 Leander Rd.,
Georgetown , TX 78628 UNITED STATES
1 5

Never met Dr. Macol but Dr. Gillar.... RUN AWAY!

After trying a few endos who seemed on the verge of incompetent, we went to Dr. Gillar. Our plan, at that time, was very limited so Dr. Gillar was pretty much the last name on the list. Count on a very long wait and then treatment from...
posted at 02/13/11

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