Mount Washington Pizza & Subs

Mount Washington Pizza & Subs

Pizza in Baltimore, MD


Contact us


1620 Kelly Ave.,
Baltimore , MD 21209 UNITED STATES


Mount Washington Pizza & Subs 410-664-1111
1620 Kelly Ave.,
Baltimore , MD 21209 UNITED STATES
Mount Washington Pizza & Subs 4

Based on 1 reviews

Mount Washington Pizza & Subs 410-664-1111
1620 Kelly Ave.,
Baltimore , MD 21209 UNITED STATES
4 5

Great Pizza!

We get pizza here pretty often. My wife and son and I really enjoy it. We've only gotten their Indian food once or twice, and it is also pretty good, but I don't have much experience with it. I've had no trouble using their coupons (which...
posted at 07/30/10

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Mount Washington Pizza & Subs
4.0 (1 reviews)
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Mount Washington Pizza & Subs

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