Modena Autowerks Inc.

Modena Autowerks Inc.

Auto Repair in Houston, TX

Auto Repair Body Shops

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12506 W Bellfort Ave.,
Houston , TX 77099 UNITED STATES


Modena Autowerks Inc. 832-351-2886
12506 W Bellfort Ave.,
Houston , TX 77099 UNITED STATES
Modena Autowerks Inc. 3.5

Based on 2 reviews

Modena Autowerks Inc. 832-351-2886
12506 W Bellfort Ave.,
Houston , TX 77099 UNITED STATES
2 5

Lack Of Excellance

Took my sports car in for a complete exterior paint job, it was for cash; not accident repair. They said it would take about three weeks. They took three months.
It cost about $500 extra over the quote because they messed up the side view...
posted at 08/09/11
Modena Autowerks Inc. 832-351-2886
12506 W Bellfort Ave.,
Houston , TX 77099 UNITED STATES
5 5

very helpful

made sure vehicle was done correctly and in a timely manner!
posted at 08/16/10

Detail information

Company name
Modena Autowerks Inc.
Auto Repair
3.5 (2 reviews)
auto tune up,  automotive repair service,  fix car paint car repair estimates
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