Mitchells Automotive

Mitchells Automotive

Auto Repair in Portland, OR

Auto Repair Body Shops

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707 Se 82nd Ave.,
Portland , OR 97216 UNITED STATES


Mitchells Automotive 503-253-5054
707 Se 82nd Ave.,
Portland , OR 97216 UNITED STATES
Mitchells Automotive 5

Based on 2 reviews

Mitchells Automotive 503-253-5054
707 Se 82nd Ave.,
Portland , OR 97216 UNITED STATES
5 5

I totally rely on Mitchells Automotive to repair and service my vehicles. I have had eight or nine different cars repaired there and they have been consistently reliable, efficient, and very satisfactory for many years. I trust Ben's honest work completely and recommend his service to anyone that values their automobile's reliability. Also, I am happy to report, his rates and charges are below other more widely advertised shops.
posted at 12/30/11
Mitchells Automotive 503-253-5054
707 Se 82nd Ave.,
Portland , OR 97216 UNITED STATES
5 5

I totally rely on Mitchells Automotive to repair and service my vehicles. I have had eight or nine different cars repaired there and they have been consistently reliable, efficient, and very satisfactory for many years. I trust Ben's honest work completely and recommend his service to anyone that values their automobile's reliability. Also, I am happy to report, his rates and charges are below other more widely advertised shops.
posted at 12/30/11

Detail information

Company name
Mitchells Automotive
Auto Repair
5.0 (2 reviews)
auto collision,  car mechanic,  fix car paint auto bumper repair
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