Miramar Collision Center

Miramar Collision Center

Auto Repair in San Diego, CA

Auto Repair Body Shops

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9985 Huennekens St.,
San Diego , CA 92121 UNITED STATES


Miramar Collision Center 858-642-4117
9985 Huennekens St.,
San Diego , CA 92121 UNITED STATES
Miramar Collision Center 1

Based on 2 reviews

Miramar Collision Center 858-642-4117
9985 Huennekens St.,
San Diego , CA 92121 UNITED STATES
1 5

Poor Work, Inferior Products, Lots of Excuses

Poor Paint Matching. Used Cheap Clear Coat instead of quality one. Were rude at the end of the process because I did not want to accept my car. Said the nature of the paint products made it look that way. They also did not remove the...
posted at 08/27/10
Miramar Collision Center 858-642-4117
9985 Huennekens St.,
San Diego , CA 92121 UNITED STATES
1 5

Bad Work, Inferior Products, Lots of Excuses

Poor Paint Matching. Used Cheap Clear Coat instead of quality one. Were rude at the end of the process because I did not want to accept my car. They said the nature of the paint products made the paint look that bad. They also did not...
posted at 08/27/10

Detail information

Company name
Miramar Collision Center
Auto Repair
1.0 (2 reviews)
collision auto repair,  domestic car repair,  japanese auto repair car fixing
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Miramar Collision Center

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