Mill Springs Academy

Mill Springs Academy

Education in Alpharetta, GA

Education Schools Private Schools

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13660 New Providence Rd.,
Alpharetta , GA 30004 UNITED STATES


Mill Springs Academy 770-360-1336
13660 New Providence Rd.,
Alpharetta , GA 30004 UNITED STATES
Mill Springs Academy 4

Based on 3 reviews

Mill Springs Academy 770-360-1336
13660 New Providence Rd.,
Alpharetta , GA 30004 UNITED STATES
4 5

Academic Nightmare

My child has mild learning disabilities and we were at Mill Springs until recently. They do not live up to their motto of teaching to the individual child and certainly don't help children academicall...
posted at 01/28/10
Mill Springs Academy 770-360-1336
13660 New Providence Rd.,
Alpharetta , GA 30004 UNITED STATES
3 5

Mill Springs Academy Has Four Schools

When evaluating Mill Springs Academy it is critical to know that there are four schools there, Lower School grades 1 - 6, Pre-Upper grades 7-8, Upper grades 9-12, and Communication Arts. Each school has its own principal and operates with...
posted at 03/09/11
Mill Springs Academy 770-360-1336
13660 New Providence Rd.,
Alpharetta , GA 30004 UNITED STATES
5 5

A lifeline for our son

We have attended Mill Springs Academy for three years. They have supported or children so much. We had attended a few different schools prior to becoming a part of the MSA community and had not found the perfect fit. We found it with...
posted at 02/17/10

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Mill Springs Academy
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Mill Springs Academy

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