Milano Eye Care

Milano Eye Care

Eye doctors & Optometrists in Oxford, AL

Eye doctors & Optometrists Wholesalers

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125 Central Ave, Ste D
Oxford , AL 36203 UNITED STATES


Milano Eye Care 256-832-2252
125 Central Ave, Ste D
Oxford , AL 36203 UNITED STATES
Milano Eye Care 5

Based on 1 reviews

Milano Eye Care 256-832-2252
125 Central Ave, Ste D
Oxford , AL 36203 UNITED STATES
5 5

Best place to go for eye exams

This is hands down the best place to go for eye exams. they have all the best equipment. After my visit my vision is better than it has ever been since I got my glasses in. I recommend this place to anyone who wants a great eye exam.
posted at 10/09/10

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Milano Eye Care
Eye doctors & Optometrists
5.0 (1 reviews)
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Milano Eye Care

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