Mikes Auto Repair

Mikes Auto Repair

Auto Repair in Boston, MA

Auto Repair

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150 W Broadway.,
Boston , MA 02127 UNITED STATES


Mikes Auto Repair 617-269-6300
150 W Broadway.,
Boston , MA 02127 UNITED STATES
Mikes Auto Repair 4

Based on 1 reviews

Mikes Auto Repair 617-269-6300
150 W Broadway.,
Boston , MA 02127 UNITED STATES
4 5

Went in for an oil change left with an empty wallet

Weell i went in for an oil change,and a tuneup. Which usually costs around 30 or 40 dollars.. Somehow i ended up paying 800 for the tuneup and the oil change. He said he had to move something away from the motor,he gave me no details on...
posted at 07/22/10

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Mikes Auto Repair
Auto Repair
4.0 (1 reviews)
auto body repairs,  auto brakes,  fix car scratch auto service
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