Midwest Trading Group Inc.

Midwest Trading Group Inc.

Wholesalers in Elk Grove Village, IL


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2911 Old Higgins Rd.,
Elk Grove Village , IL 60007 UNITED STATES


Midwest Trading Group Inc. 847-290-1734
2911 Old Higgins Rd.,
Elk Grove Village , IL 60007 UNITED STATES
Midwest Trading Group Inc. 1

Based on 1 reviews

Midwest Trading Group Inc. 847-290-1734
2911 Old Higgins Rd.,
Elk Grove Village , IL 60007 UNITED STATES
1 5

Both the phone listed here, 847-290-1734, Chicago, and 866-815-4714 (printed cust svc line sent out with products purchased) actually ring to location 905. S. Westwood Ave, Addison IL 60101 (address included with the products distributed). I purchased one of their products locally yesterday. I also had to call them, immediately, regarding trouble getting the item to do what the box and manual said it did - & finding "included" functions not actually included. Those answering the phone sound like they're a bunch of teens in a garage. -rarely answer with any uniform greeting or disclosure of who's answering & for what. Usually just "how can I help you", or "hello this is..(persons first name)", or just a mumbled "mdwst tradng". - the last rep cut me off repeatedly accusing me of cutting him off when I tried to complete my question - telling me he already heard me and knew what I was trying to tell him - never did get an answer to the question I wasn't able to complete - unbelievable - do business with some other group.
posted at 11/09/11

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Midwest Trading Group Inc.
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Midwest Trading Group Inc.

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