Auto Dealers in Des Plaines, IL
Auto Dealers • Auto Repair • Auto Parts and Accessories
855 Rand Rd.,
Des Plaines ,
Based on 1 reviews
This dealer uses so called "bait" cars to get you to their dealership and then they try to sell you something completely different. They will list a very nice car online for a very good price and when you go to see it it will not be there... I called the dealership 4 times about a vehicle listed online to set up an appointment to see it. They confirmed it's availability (even right before I left to see it - talked to Franchesca). After driving 2 HOURS with 2 little kids in the car to see THIS PARTICULAR VAN the sales person - upon my arrival after looking at the pritout of the 'bait' - quickly tried to sell me a new Kia (which I wasn't interested in at all) because this vehicle was 'sold a couple of days ago'. I THINK THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS! These guys don't deserve to be on the market.Worldwide > United States > Des Plaines, IL > Auto Dealers